неделя, 19 февруари 2012 г.

Cows With Guns (видео). Плюс подтекст. Или всякаква отвъд-текстова щуращина.

[край на видеото]

Автор, композитор и аранжимент:  Dana Lyons,

Отличаваме се от кравите, защото: 
1. Не ни колят за да се тъпчат директно други

2. Тъпчат ни с реклами, политически тв шоу-та и брутална предизборна пропаганда - за де се тъпчат индиректно други

3. В света има мнаго групи, борещи се правата на кравите. Или за правата на кокошките да са свободни. За нашете права има 0 (нула), нула като нищо.

Необходимо пояснение: 

Аз съм радикален фен за правата на животните. Още не съм веган, но се подготвям за този преход. У нас все още групи и движения за Animal Rights няма. Когато се появят, жална му майкd обещавам нd Кибер Явор.За да го подпомогна в благородната му дейност на полза роду - нека разглежда този ми пост като подбуждане, съучастничество и каквото още е запомнил от юридическия ПУЦ - към тероризъм. Вследствие на което да почне да ме разследва. За осъждането ми съм скептик. Освен ако магнаурският корифей Цецко не се произнесе :-)


Непростимо е, че не дадох и текста, поправям се:

Cows With Guns

Am    G  Am
[Am]Fat and docile, big and dumb
They look so stupid, they aren't much fun
[G]Cows aren't [Am]fun
[Am]They eat to grow, grow to die
Die to be et at the hamburger fry
[G]Cows well [Am]done
[Am]Nobody thunk it, nobody knew
No one imagined the great cow guru
[G]Cows are [Am]one
[Am]He hid in the forest, read books with great zeal
He loved Che Guevera, a revolutionary veal
[G]Cow Tse [Am]Tongue
[Am]He spoke about justice, but nobody stirred
He felt like an outcast, alone in the herd
[G]Cow dol[Am]drums
[Am]He mooed we must fight, escape or we'll die
Cows gathered around, cause the steaks were so high
[G]Bad cow [Am]pun
[Am]But then he was captured, stuffed into a crate
Loaded onto a truck, where he rode to his fate
[G]Cows are [Am]bummed
[Am]He was a scrawny calf, who looked rather woozy
No one suspected he was packing an Uzi
[G]Cows with [Am]guns
[Am]They came with a needle to stick in his thigh
He kicked for the groin, he pissed in their eye
[G]Cow well [Am]hung
[Am]Knocked over a tractor and ran for the door
Six gallons of gas flowed out on the floor
[G]Run cows [Am]run!
He picked up a bullhorn and jumped up on the hay
We are free roving bovines, we run free today
We will [F]fight for bovine [C]freedom    
And [E]hold our large heads [Am]high           
We will [F]run free with the [C]Buffalo, or [E]die
Cows with [Am]guns
[Am]They crashed the gate in a great stampede
Tipped over a milk truck, torched all the feed
[G]Cows have [Am]fun
[Am]Sixty police cars were piled in a heap
Covered in cow pies, covered up deep
[G]Much cow [Am]dung
Black smoke rising, darkening the day
Twelve burning McDonalds, have it your way
We will [F]fight for bovine [C]freedom    
And [E]hold our large heads [Am]high           
We will [F]run free with the [C]Buffalo, or [E]die
Cows with [Am]guns
[Am]The President said "enough is enough
These uppity cattle, its time to get tough"
[G]Cow dung [Am]flung
[Am]The newspapers gloated, folks sighed with relief
Tomorrow at noon, they would all be ground beef
[G]Cows on [Am]buns
[Am]The cows were surrounded, they waited and prayed
They mooed their last moos, 
they chewed their last hay
[G]Cows out[Am]gunned
The order was given to turn cows to whoppers
Enforced by the might of ten thousand coppers
But on the horizon surrounding the shoppers
Came the deafening roar of chickens in choppers
We will [F]fight for bovine [C]freedom    
And [E]hold our large heads [Am]high           
We will [F]run free with the [C]Buffalo, or [E]die
Cows with [Am]guns

Dana Lyons:  Guitar and Vocals
With Mi Tierra Mariachi Band members:
Alberto Leyva:  Vihuela
Rafael Leyva:  Guitarron
Jesus Sanchez:  Trumpet
Dedicated to the Mooovement.

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