сряда, 4 април 2012 г.

Депресия и биполярно разстройство - 25 книги за свободен даунлоуд (eng)

В предишния пост споменах, че имам гигабайтова библиотека е-книги и който иска, може да пита за дадена тема - щe пусна това, което имам. Някой (не иска да се публикува името му) ме попита за книги за депресията. Ето това, което имам (има и 3-4 за биполярното разстройство, в което се включва депресията). Файлът е zip, а книгите са:

Bipolar Disorders. Basic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications
An Atlas of Depression - David S. Baldwin
Antidepressants - Jim Phelps
Antidepressants in Bipolar Disorder. The Controversies
Barondes - Better than Prozac. Creating the Next Generation of Psychiatric Drugs
Bipolar Disorder. The Ultimate Guide. 2008
Bipolar Disorder. The Upswing in Research and Treatment
Bipolar Disorder (WPA series)
Bipolar Disorders. Basic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications. 2nd ed
Bipolar Medications. Mechanisms of Action
Brain Chemistry of Depression. From Stress to Genes, from Mind to Molecules
Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
Depression and Globalization. The Politics of Mental Health in the 21st Century
Depression is Not a Moral Weakness - Jim Phelps, M.D.; Corvallis, OR, USA
Depression. the Mood Disease
Depressive Disorders. 2nd Ed
Epigenetics and Depression
Handbook of Depression and Anxiety
Melancholia. The Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Treatment of Depressive Illness
Men and Depression
Mood Disorders. A Handbook of Science and Practice
The Biologic Basis of Bipolar Disorder. 5 Mini-chapters on the Brain Chemistry of Mania and Depression
The International Encyclopedia of Depression
Treating Depression Effectively. Applying Clinical Guidelines. 2nd ed
Understanding DepressionDownload

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